A Complete Guide to the Price of Braces in Singapore

Braces cost Singapore

What are braces? Braces are orthodontic tools that work hard to straighten teeth and boost oral health. They achieve this by gently applying pressure over time to guide teeth into their new positions. And it’s not just about looks! Besides giving you a confident smile, braces come with practical perks. With straighter teeth, brushing and […]

Types of malocclusions that Zenyum can help fix

Navigating the sensitivity of misaligned teeth can be challenging, especially when addressing someone’s crooked teeth, which might come across as critical rather than helpful. Misaligned or crooked teeth often signal malocclusion, a condition where teeth and jaws fail to align properly. Having explored the signs that may indicate a need for braces, it’s now crucial […]

What is Bruxism? Symptoms, Causes, Treatment Options and More

How to stop bruxism: Lady holding her jaw while grinding her teeth

Do you find yourself grinding your teeth during the day? Or if you wake up with tension in your jaw, or a headache that just won’t go away, chances are you might be clenching your teeth in your sleep. These are some common signs that you may have a medical condition called bruxism. While mild […]

How Do You Fix Crooked Teeth

Digital illustration of crooked teeth

Our teeth come in all shapes and sizes, making every smile unique! Some of us may have crooked teeth – a dental condition where teeth are misaligned or crowded in the mouth. Teeth that are misaligned can cause a number of health issues, and can even affect your confidence and sense of well-being.  If you’re […]

All-In-One Guide: Causes and Treatments for Buck/ Protruding Teeth

Side view illustration of buck teeth

Protruding teeth (also known as buck teeth) is one of the six teeth conditions that Zenyum Invisible Braces can help fix. But have you wondered what it really means?  There may be a couple of reasons why you may have protruding teeth – from genetics to habits you may have developed as a child. This […]

Ask Zenyum: How Are Dentists Involved In My Smile Journey?

Zenyum Invisible Braces and case

Any Invisible Braces provider could claim that their products are effective. Or that the smile assessments and treatment plans prescribed for a patient’s smile are reviewed by trusted experts. But do you know how dentists play a part in making your Smile Journey better?  You can’t let just anyone prescribe a treatment plan to you, […]

Your All-in-one Guide to Zenyum Invisible Braces Costs

A person holding Zenyum Invisible Braces that's clear, discreet and comfortable to wear.

Thinking about starting your Zenyum Smile Journey, but concerned about how much it costs? With Zenyum, getting your best smile does not have to break the bank. Learn all about Zenyum Invisible Braces prices, so you’ll know what to expect once you start your Smile Journey. Let’s go! How much does Zenyum Invisible Braces cost? […]

Clear Aligners vs Braces: Your All-In-One Guide

Zenyum Invisible Braces vs Metal Braces: How Do I Decide? Choosing the type of braces treatment you go for is a personal decision depending on the type of lifestyle you have. The only way to make such a commitment is to weigh out the pros and cons of each teeth straightening solution, to see which […]

Why you need retainers after your invisible braces treatment

Preview of Zenyum Clear Retainers

You’ve done it. After the 6-9 months of wearing your invisible braces for 20-22 hours a day you just can’t stop staring at your new, straight set of teeth in the mirror. We hate to break it to you, but the work does not end here. It does get easier though. Your teeth are in […]

The Zenyum Invisible Braces process from start to end

Zenyum invisible braces - alternative to invisalign

1. Pre-assessment Online smile assessment Zenyum is here to make the process of straightening your teeth easier which is why we offer a free online smile assessment. You can save a trip to the dentist and check if you are suitable for Zenyum Invisible Braces from the comfort of your own home. All we need […]

6 primary teeth issues Zenyum Invisible Braces can help fix!

Girl smiling with Zenyum Aligners

Just imagine someone saying, ‘Hey, your teeth are crooked and it looks like you need to do something about it.’ The line between being mean and helpful is way too fine, so it’s better to say nothing. We’ve covered the topic of signs you need braces but let’s break down the 6 main teeth problems […]

Can You Trust Zenyum Aligners? (With Before & After Photos)

Person holding clear aligner up to their teeth

Let’s clear some misconceptions and share how invisible braces work to straighten your teeth. Zenyum is not solely an online-facing brand but follows a proper orthodontic process. Working closely with partner dentists across the country, we are able to provide personalised treatments for each unique case.  Click to see before and after photos Are Invisible Braces […]


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