All-In-One Guide: Causes and Treatments for Protruding Teeth

5 December 2022

Illustration of protruding teeth

Protruding teeth (also known as buck teeth) is one of the six teeth problems that Zenyum can help fix but what exactly is it? There are a couple of reasons why it may occur from genetics to habits you may have as a child.

Causes of protruding teeth

1. Genetics

In many cases, protruding teeth or buck teeth are due to the underdevelopment of the lower jaw causing it to be shorter than the upper jaw. Having missing, extra, or impacted teeth may even change the development of your jaw since your remaining teeth begin to shift; affecting the position of your front teeth, and leading to protrusions.

2. Thumb-sucking

Well, we might not want to believe it but what we do as a child can affect us when we’re older even habits like thumb-sucking or nonnutritive sucking behaviour (NNSB). In other words, discourage your child from thumb-sucking and the usage of a pacifier past the age of 3.

Symptoms of protruding teeth

Straightening protruding teeth could help with the string of issues you may be facing such as:

  • The struggle of chewing food since your teeth don’t meet optimally. The extra effort put into chewing (or “masticating” if you’re bougie like that) can also create tension in your jaw. Decidedly not fun.
  • Thinner and weaker teeth due to constant chewing at the back of your mouth. Bacteria may easily grow and have the risk of pain or difficulty chewing over time. 
  • Buck teeth can lead to pain or clicking sounds when you move your jaw, which can be more than a little uncomfortable.
  • Speaking more with your tongue so you can’t speak as clearly or pronounce certain vowels. You might even develop a lisp!

Treatments for protruding teeth

Invisible Braces

Fortunately, invisible braces can help correct protruding teeth. Your dentist may advise you to extract some teeth, as having too many teeth may be the reason why your front teeth are being pushed forward. 

For protruding teeth, braces also apply pressure on your teeth to move into new positions that reduce the appearance of your buck teeth.

If you cringe at the thought of looking like an awkward teenager in front of your colleagues in the office, there are invisible braces you can wear so nobody can tell you’re wearing braces.

Read more: Zenyum Invisible Braces before and after

Traditional Braces

Of course, there is the less aesthetic way compared to clear aligners – traditional metal braces. These can also help slowly move your teeth into alignment. However, it may cause ulcers and definitely disrupt your day-to-day activities.

We aren’t dentists so why not get a professional opinion to tell if your protruding teeth require braces?

Take our free smile assessment and let our dental experts guide you on whether Zenyum Invisible Braces is the right choice for you!

Find out if you're fit for Zenyum today!

Delaying treatment could lead to more than a mouthful of problems!

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