During the Treatment: The Nitty Gritty on Your Zenyum Invisible Braces Journey | Zenyum SG

Zenyum Invisible Braces in storage box, next to notebook

Congratulations! You’ve officially started on your Zenyum journey. You might now be gearing up to start wearing your Zenyum Invisible Braces or maybe you’re excitedly waiting for them to be 3D-printed. Perhaps you’re already nearing the end of your treatment and want to find out how to maintain that not-so-distant glowing smile? Wherever you are […]

5 Things You Must Invest In In Your 20s for a Zenyum Life

Investing. We all know we need to do it, but at 22 where exactly does one start? With the plethora of options out there, and your newfound financial freedom how do you make the best spending decisions? We’ve come up with a list to help you put those extra few bucks to better use. The […]

Are Clear Aligners Worth The Temporary Pain?

invisible braces

Anyone who has worn any type of braces before can tell you the simple truth: it hurts, at least for a few days!  Eating crunchy chips or vegetable stalks can be an agonising experience for the first few days of wearing invisible braces as your teeth adjust to your new aligners.   So if clear aligners […]

What Is Telemedicine And How Does It Work?


Instead of dragging yourself to the clinic or have someone take you there when you’re unwell, what if you could have a doctor see you in the comfort of your own home?   It’ll be much faster and easier to get an MC (provided you really need it!) and the benefits aren’t just for emergency […]

4 Things Can Tell You From Your Teeth Pictures by A Dentist

Staring at yourself in the mirror every time you brush your teeth and floss can be a great way to practise your observational skills. You notice the stray nostril hair peeking out inquisitively. You spot the angry zit you squeezed out last week (now it’s back with a vengeance). And marvel at how much shade […]


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This device or software is not intended to be used for any medical purpose (such as the detection, diagnosis, monitoring, management or treatment of any medical condition or disease). Any health-related information provided by this device or software should not be treated as medical advice. Please consult a physician for any medical advice required.