Braces Journey

Getting straighter teeth can be a long process, but it doesn’t have to take that long! As long as you know what treatment options are out there, you can make an informed decision on which to choose to get the results you want. So let’s dive in to learn how long aligners take to work.
While it may be tempting to think that you can just straighten out one or two crooked teeth with braces, the reality is that it won’t work for everyone. Your upper and lower teeth work together to create a proper bite and jaw alignment; if one tooth is out of place, it can throw off the entire system. But not to worry! We’ll explain why and how you can make the most of your Zenyum Invisible Braces journey.
Can you get invisible braces if you grind your teeth? Spoiler: Yes you can! Read on to find out why clear aligners can be beneficial if you grind your teeth
Need to know everything about how much braces cost in Singapore? Look no further! We go over every available option and how much it’ll cost you.
Choosing the type of braces treatment you go for is a personal decision depending on the type of lifestyle you have. The only way to make such a commitment is to weigh out the pros and cons of each teeth straightening solution, to see which best suits you.
You’ve already done all the hard work of straightening your teeth with invisible braces. Retainers help you maintain your results for the rest of your life. Find out why.
Having an overbite can lead to more serious dental problems if you don’t treat them early. Want to know what could worsen your overjet, read on to find out.
Nobody tells it straight to your face if you have crooked teeth.
Nobody tells it straight to your face if you have misaligned teeth.
Having clear braces instead of traditional metal ones for teeth straightening seem to be a new trend, but do they actually work? See for yourself with these before and after photos using Zenyum Invisible Braces!
You’ve been thinking about straightening your teeth for a while but is not sure if it is truly necessary.
You’ve been thinking about straightening your teeth for a while but is not sure if it is truly necessary.


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