How Do You Fix Crooked Teeth

Digital illustration of crooked teeth

Our teeth come in all shapes and sizes, making every smile unique! Some of us may have crooked teeth – a dental condition where teeth are misaligned or crowded in the mouth. Teeth that are misaligned can cause a number of health issues, and can even affect your confidence and sense of well-being.  If you’re […]

Ask Zenyum: How Are Dentists Involved In My Smile Journey?

Zenyum Invisible Braces and case

Any Invisible Braces provider could claim that their products are effective. Or that the smile assessments and treatment plans prescribed for a patient’s smile are reviewed by trusted experts. But do you know how dentists play a part in making your Smile Journey better?  You can’t let just anyone prescribe a treatment plan to you, […]

A Guide to Handling Temporary Pain from Invisible Aligners

man holding Zenyum Invisible Braces

Anyone who has worn any type of braces before can tell you the simple truth: it hurts, at least for a few days! Eating crunchy chips or veggie sticks? Might as well chew on glass shards! Yes, it can be an agonising experience for the first few days of wearing invisible braces. This is because […]

The difference between ZenyumClear™, ZenyumClear™ Plus and ZenyumClear™ Extra

Two hands holding Zenyum Invisible Braces, which are used for orthodontic treatment.

Are you interested in transforming your smile discreetly, and with quick, visible results? Chances are, we might see the words ‘invisible braces’ or ‘clear aligners’ in your search history. But for the uninitiated, Zenyum Invisible Braces are 3D-printed clear aligners that can give you straighter teeth! Previously, Zenyum was only able to treat mild teeth […]

What Does It Mean to Dream About Teeth Falling Out?


Although most people do not lose their teeth all at once in real life, some can attest to knowing how traumatic the experience can be – from their dreams. Dreaming of teeth falling out or rotting, aptly referred to as ‘teeth dreams’, is still an unsolved mystery. A 2012 study by the Hong Kong Shue […]

Got ‘mask breath’? Here are tips for fresher breath

surgical mask on blue background

Face masks – they are absolutely essential, but often pack a funky smell known as ‘mask breath’ beneath that three-ply layer. If the term sounds familiar to you, then bad news: the culprit behind your ‘mask breath’ is not the mask itself – but your own bad breath. The mask is but the barrier causing […]

Is Zenyum Effective? | Zenyum SG

Two friends laughing and smiling

Clear aligners can cost up to $8,000. With Zenyum, it may cost as little as $2,590 to perfect your smile. Sounds too good to be true? Don’t take our word for it, here’s what our customers have to say about their experience. 1. Results within months! Most of our customers see results within 4 – […]

Teledentistry: Why it is Indispensable

Girl taking a picture of her teeth

What is Teledentistry? We’ve heard about telemedicine but teledentistry is newer to the game. Teledentistry is the provision of professional dental care services through remote and virtual consultations. In other words, it is the use of your smartphone or desktop to consult your dentist through a video call. Telemedicine services such as teledentistry are becoming […]

A Guide to Handling Temporary Pain from Invisible Aligners

girl experiencing pain

Anyone who has worn any type of braces before can tell you the simple truth: it hurts, at least for a few days! Eating crunchy chips or veggie sticks? Might as well chew on glass shards! Yes, it can be an agonising experience for the first few days of wearing invisible braces. This is because […]

Behind the Scenes: A Sneak Peek at your Aligner Packaging

Zenyum Invisible Braces box

You’ve made the decision to invest in straightening your teeth. And you’re holding your breath in eager anticipation as you wait for your calm, blue Zenyum braces box.  What’s inside? What do I do with what’s inside?? You’ve got the Qs. We’ve got the As. Your complete set of clear aligners You will receive all […]

Beginning Your Journey to a Better Smile with Invisible Braces

That’s right – having a real-life orthodontist or dentist looking closely at your teeth can greatly affect your treatment. Successful invisible braces treatment: Why is having a dentist so crucial? It boils down to three things an orthodontist or dentist does for you:   1. They examine your X-rays,   2. Check for underlying teeth conditions, […]

Thinking of Skipping X-Rays Before Getting Invisible Braces? Think Again

invisible braces

Here’s something to think about. In a world where you can have almost anything delivered to your door within 24 hours of clicking ‘Check Out,’ why should you have to jump through multiple hoops just to get your teeth straightened? Especially since you opted for invisible braces, where the treatment time is significantly shortened compared […]


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