Healthy Smile Habits For a Great Night Time Routine | Zenyum SG

25 January 2021

night routine habits

Start your days with your nights!

You’ve probably heard about the importance of a morning routine, but do you know that your  night routine pulls equal weight? A consistent night time routine can set you up for success by preparing you for the day ahead. In the long term, it leads to better sleep, higher energy levels during the day and higher productivity! 

Here are 5 habits you should consider incorporating into your night-time routine now:

1. Put away your electronics one hour before bed

The time at which we wake and snooze is dependent on the type of light exposure. Long before the dreaded alarm was invented, our ancestors relied almost entirely on their inner biological clock that is heavily regulated by light – and still applies to us today. 

The problem: Digital devices interfere with our sleep because the blue light emitted from them over-stimulates our brains. It hinders the production of the sleep hormone ‘melatonin’ and throws us into a vicious cycle of sleep deprivation.

“But what am I going to do with that one hour?!”, you may ask.

Simple. As with all bad habit-cutting, don’t go cold turkey – it doesn’t work. Instead, try setting smaller goals and start with 10mins before increasing it gradually to the full hour.

2. Make overnight breakfast recipes

“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” said mothers all over the world – and they are right! But there’s one problem: time spent making breakfast is better spent underneath the duvet. So this is when overnight breakfast recipes come in! They’re on-the-go worthy and packed with nutrition to kickstart you for the day.

Our personal favourite: Overnight oats

3. Plan outfit for the next day

While most of the world might be confined within our homes in these unprecedented times, it still pays to dress up (at least be Zoom-meeting ready) as it sets the tone for the rest of your day. 


Now that we play, rest and work in the same perimeters, the lines between these different aspects of our lives are starting to blur and it has taken a toll on our mental health


One way to help us draw the distinction is actually through the way we dress. When we’re dressed appropriately for work or rest, it subconsciously helps us be more productive when we work and more intentional when we rest.

4. Commit to a self-care routine

Those who are disciplined with their night self-care routine might relate with the feeling of satisfaction when you wake up to soft, smooth skin and not-so-killer morning breath. However, one doesn’t have to take it so far and commit to a 10-step Korean skincare regime overnight. 

So what’s something basic we can all do before we turn in? 

The answer is pretty obvious – brushing your teeth! We eat 3 times a day, sometimes in between meals. Brushing your teeth at night is just as (if not more) important than brushing your teeth in the morning because it prevents the acid build-up in your mouth from corroding your finite enamel (it doesn’t grow back).

As much as it is tempting to replace brushing with a mouthwash, remember that mouthwash serves a different purpose and acts as a refresher in between brushing times.

5. Release muscle tension by stretching

Technically, stretching isn’t really exercising, right? So don’t be too turned off by this one. Stretching is also a great way to release the tension from your sore muscles after being confined to a desk for hours. It gets your blood pumping but not too much that you become too energised – just enough to relax you after a long day.

If you prefer a routine, consider doing a 10 minute yoga session before a hot shower. Yoga also allows us to practise mindfulness – which is so vital in a day where our attention is constantly being competed for. The physical act of stretching also subconsciously translates to a calmer state of mind – it’s worth a try.

Refreshingly Clean Teeth For A Refreshing Rest

Hit the sheets with a thoroughly cleaned mouth, and you’ll wake up with fresher breath!

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