Flossing with Braces: Your Guide to a Healthier Smile

12 April 2024

A person holding a Zenyum Waterflosser that can be used during your invisible braces process

Flossing is a crucial part of maintaining good oral health, but it becomes even more important when you have braces. If you’re not careful and don’t clean your teeth well, food particles can easily get trapped – creating a breeding ground for bacteria. So, the answer to the common question, “Do I have to floss with braces?” is a resounding yes! Regularly flossing with braces offers several benefits:

Prevents plaque buildup

Plaque is a sticky film that harbors bacteria. Flossing removes plaque from between teeth and under the gumline, preventing cavities and gum disease.

Reduces gum inflammation

Proper flossing helps keep your gums healthy and prevents gingivitis, a condition that causes redness, swelling, and bleeding.

Fresher breath

Food particles trapped between teeth can cause bad breath. Flossing removes these particles, leaving your breath feeling minty fresh.

A guy in blue shirt smiling with Zenyum Water Flosser

The Importance of Flossing for Braces

To ensure that your Invisible Braces treatment progresses smoothly, it’s important to floss regularly to prevent plaque buildup. If you don’t floss regularly, you may face these unpleasant issues.

Tooth decay

Plaque left unchecked can eat away at tooth enamel, causing cavities.

Gum disease

If plaque isn’t removed, it can harden into tartar, which irritates the gums and can lead to gum disease. In severe cases, gum disease can damage the bone that supports your teeth.

Delayed Invisible Braces treatment

Poor oral hygiene can slow down your Invisible Braces treatment, and may lead to additional refinements required, as advised by your treating dentist.

Choosing the Right Flossing Tools for Braces

Several flossing tools can help you maintain a clean smile with braces:

A black and white Zenyum Waterflosser Pro used for flossing with braces.

Traditional dental floss

This is a budget-friendly option, but it may be difficult to reach specific areas of your mouth with traditional dental floss.

Dental floss picks

These floss picks are convenient, and can help remove any unwanted food particles easily after a meal. However, they may not be as effective at reaching all areas of your teeth.

Water flossers

Water flossers use a pressurized stream of water to clean between teeth. They are a good option for people who find traditional flossing difficult, but they need to be used together with a good brushing and flossing routine. 

Here’s a recommendation:

For most people with braces, maintaining a good oral care routine is essential to keeping plaque at bay. Incorporating an electric toothbrush or a water flosser into your routine is important in helping you to get a thorough clean, and remove any remaining food particles stuck in your teeth.

Tips and Tricks for Effective Flossing with Braces

Floss after every meal

This helps remove food particles before they have a chance to build up.

Start slow and build up

If your gums are sensitive, start by flossing once a day and gradually increase to twice a day.

Find a routine that works for you: Whether it’s in the shower or before bed, find a time that fits your schedule.

Seek a trusted professional's advice

If you’re struggling with flossing, a trusted dental expert can demonstrate proper technique and recommend tools that work best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will flossing with braces hurt my gums?

Flossing may cause some slight bleeding at first, especially if your gums are inflamed. This should improve with consistent flossing. For a gentler flossing experience, you can try Zenyum Waterflosser Pro to get a more thorough clean.

Consider using a water flosser or dental floss picks.

Maintaining Optimal Oral Hygiene with Braces

Brushing and flossing regularly are essential for maintaining good oral health with braces, and we’ve got the tools to help you maintain your best smile!

A guy in red background holding Zenyum Water Flosser.

Need a better way to floss?

We’ve got you covered!

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