
23 十二月 2020

Two friends laughing and smiling

Clear aligners can cost up to $8,000. With Zenyum, it may cost as little as $2,400 to perfect your smile. Sounds too good to be true?

Don’t take our word for it, here’s what our customers have to say about their experience.

1. Results within months!

Most of our customers see results within 4 – 6 months, with more complex treatment plans being completed in an average of 15 months. While results depend on the duration of wear and complexity of the case, speedy results are testament to Zenyum’s ability to customise effective treatment plans for each individual. 


Through the Zenyum app, customers can also reach out to the team at Zenyum and dental professionals anytime to aid with their journey. 

Chiam Yi Heng
Chiam Yi Heng
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It's been an amazing journey with Zenyum. Their invisible aligners have straightened my teeth successfully in 4 months and the process was hassle free. Chanced upon Zenyum when I was seeking options to straighten my front teeth and never regretted my decision. I also purchased the sonic toothbrush and it did not let me down either, excellent products and post sale services, highly recommended!
Chua Hui Xuan
Chua Hui Xuan
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My experience with Zenyum was great! Within 5/6 months, the results were very noticeable and the staff at Zenyum are supportive and helpful. At such an affordable price point and effective results, I would recommend this to anyone who is considering!
Joann Tan
Joann Tan
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It was a great journey with Zenyum. The results were obvious within 6-7 months, and the staff at Zenyum had been very helpful and prompt. I enjoyed every bit of this journey in making my teeth straight, and would recommend this to anyone who are considering! Really affordable too!
Ann Tham
Ann Tham
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Perfectly ideal and suits my requirement. Acceptable price and effective result. It only takes me less than 6 months to have my beautiful and confident smile. Not forgetting the staffs are friendly and referred dentist is super professional. Loving the result!! Have recommended my friends about Zenyum.

2. Builds your confidence without breaking the bank

Say goodbye to feeling self-conscious about your teeth and keeping to tight-lipped smiles. Customers commonly cite our low costs and uncompromised effectiveness as key reasons for their satisfaction. 


At Zenyum, we pride ourselves in making Asia smile more by streamlining our supply chains so that consumers like you can smile confidently without breaking the bank.

SAM will when some won't
SAM will when some won't
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I always keep on saying this but I never thought that I could get my teeth straightened in just a few months. I am so happy that I found and chosen Zenyum among so many competitors that offers invisible braces. From the beginning of my consultation and until my last set of aligners, they have a very friendly customer service officers I get to talk to over the phone and through chat and as well as the clinic I was referred to have great staff and dentist. Much more that the price is so reasonable and affordable too. Now I can smile without any hesitation and confident whichever the camera is because of Zenyum ;D When this pandemic is over and we don’t have to wear mask again, I will have the happiest smile (^o^)
Gokila Vani
Gokila Vani
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I am very satisfied and Zenyum was perfect for me. In a short span I got the smile I yearned for many years... Now I feel very confident and smile more often...thanks to Zenyum! Their service is the best and me being a person who like to try new techs out there, I have to say that Zenyum is a smooth transition in tooth alignment. The braces are easy to wear and maintain which comes with a small box making it much easier to carry around.

3. Experts track your progress with the Zenyum App

The Zenyum app allows you to monitor the progress of your treatment so you can see how your teeth have shifted their positions over time. 


It is how we keep our customers committed to long wear hours and motivate them to keep up. More importantly, it offers the convenience of completing your treatment from home while still receiving dental supervision.

Edelyn Chua
Edelyn Chua
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I've always had an insecurity about my teeth, and a friend recommended Zenyum to me, citing their affordability. And indeed, Zenyum is very competitively-priced - costing about a fraction of bigger brands like Invisalign. Their clear retainers are of pretty good quality, and their staff are very friendly. You can monitor your treatment progress via its intuitive app. I'm very happy with how my teeth has shifted after my whole Zenyum treatment! Highly recommended if you're looking at an affordable and trustable clear aligner company!
Jamie XN Chen
Jamie XN Chen
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Very pleased with my zenyum journey thus far! Pretty satisfied with the end result. Teeth are visibly straightened with little to no discomfort at all throughout the entire duration. Aligners are comfortable and the app tracking feature really aided in monitoring the progress of my treatment. Team members were really attentive and helpful with my queries as well. Would definitely recommend this alternative to those who value the convenience of being able to complete the treatment at home without the fuss and frequent dental visits!

4. Minimal discomfort

The quote “No pain, no gain,” might apply for some people wearing invisible braces for the first time. It is normal to feel some pain and discomfort in the early stages because the aligners are applying pressure on your teeth to get them moving into their new positions. This comes with any form of orthodontic straightening treatment but we at Zenyum try to keep it to the minimum.

Poh Wei Church
Poh Wei Church
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My Zenyum aligning treatment has been very smooth and customer service are great. The discomfort is minimal compared with other treatment options. It was mildly unpleasant in the first day but after several days of adaptation, you'll get used to it. I have broken a few aligners during the treatment but switching over to a new sets earlier doesn't really cause any issue. I'm currently close to finish, adjusting my biting issue but so far i have seen great improvement in my teeth alignment. So, for those who has doubts like I do in the beginning, you can really give it a shot and it will change your smile completely

So… is Zenyum effective? Our 400 Zenyum reviews show that many people see results within 4 to 7 months and you can keep tabs on your treatment progress via the Zenyum app. It changes your smile and gives you the confidence to show your biggest, brightest smile to the world.

Our Results Speak For Themselves!

Hundreds of satisfied customers with transformed smiles and lives!

Table of Contents


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Zenyum 好 唔 好?隱形箍牙有別於傳統的箍牙,新方式讓你猶豫不決,怕中伏睇連登留言搵答案,各種傳聞讓你在矯正牙齒新方法前卻步。Zenyum 的隱形箍牙服務好唔好,不如直接由我們為你解答!







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